this last week of February

two months in 2016 has passed ..(2 more days to march)

this last week of February, everytime i go to bed, i have this gawning feeling like what ive got is not enough… mungkin karna ayah udah balik indo and sendiri lagi.. huhu

*** Xuefang last day in Emirates is yesterday which makes me more bitter.. not sure why everytime i feel like im so down being in Dubai, God always slap me straight away.. when i was so demotivated (after heard the news) one ate came to me while i was waiting for the bus, it was friday morning.. i still remember how she greeted me loudly and happy,asked me how long ive been working in Emirates and told me she was trying for it for 7 years, then she left me, i was still surprised,but it indeed makes me smile..she did help me go through the day.. it was in front of NMC bus stop..

*** last wednesday (24 of february ) I know that Im not really good in nihongo(yet), thats why i dont know why i feel upset that i didnt win anything.. maybe because i put more effort,, even i search through google the material to support my speech..

anyway, i thank God, by being there , i met Petra, she won the special prize, she was working in Tokyo for 11 years before moved to Dubai last year..


i got certificate 😀 can i use it to apply for a new job? lol

*** suddenly craving about konafa Ibti took me, it is in front of radisson blu Sharjah, enak bangeddd…nyummy…. queue nya pake mobil , it really astonishing.. karna queue nya panjangg….sktr 20 mobil and yang ngantri pun kbnyakan mobil mewah,, kedainya kecil biasa aja,,

*** been busy overtime. semenjak councourse D dibuka, rate overtime is 49 dirham per hour!! woohooo.. target : min 50 jam!

*** and been busy watching this orange is the new black series in netflix. hahaha

*** I watched secret of the grain . it´s heartbreaking yet too much beautiful. wallah !

*** Mariama teach me how to make harira soup today. it´s soup from Morocco.. delicious walopun kayaknya kurang garem.. 😛 ❤


well.. and the last part, i think i lose a friend. am i calculating my opportunity costs or am i discussing love here?  i know im tougher than a woodpecker lips. so ill be okay 😀 😀





Sekuhara ja nai ,no?

On Egypt air

Me ; Sir, you have excess baggage ..

what? No excess, it’s okay ..

No sir , it’s 26 kgs extra and one extra piece, your allowances only 2 pcs 46 kgs and handbag not more than 10 kgs ( kurang baek apa coba tuh national airline dia)

What ? I usually travel with this, mafi mushkil , yalla its okay 

No sir it’s not okay, you have to pay for it , It’s 150 US dollar for extra piece to Cairo

&$-&/$;&;&(&!; —( ngedumel pake bahasa Arab sama 2 temennya)

—after 3 minutes —

Please decide what you want to do ,, either you want to pay or reduce your things, I can not hold my counter for so long (returning his passport to him)

Ok how much ? 

It’s 150 US dollar

No , how much are you? 



In the traffic light ; Pas lagi nyebrang di Union mau ke shogun semalem , sambil dengerin gooey nya si glass animal (thx to Andi ) tiba2 gw ngerasa bahu gw ada yang megang , kaget !!- reflex , gw noleh just to found out yang megang gw barusan bapak bapak Pakistan! Dia senyum gatel , Wtheck!! Excuse me! get it off! Sambil tepis tangannya,,, Gw pelototin n bentak gitu,dia bilang uh sorry! Belum selesai gw ngatur napas, dia nya lari, kabur ,, lampunya udah hijau! Anjrittt !!!! huufffff…

[Ini gw udah Pake jilbab aja masih diginiin 😦 ]

[seharusnya gw kungfu, ya Des,,                   – no itu Kan Emang sesuatu yang tiba tiba gak Kita sangka sangka jadi kadang reflek Kita malah mematung ~ Deasy]


Jadi inget waktu gw baru bgd nyampe Dubai .. inside the bus area festival city , middle aged Arab man touch my ass – kaget bgd (dan bodoh) gw cuma pindah posisi berdiri and liatin dia– and krn pas bgd bus nya berenti n udh d bus stop gw juga- gw cuma turun .. tapi abis Itu langsung lemessss – gw duduk for a while d bus stop, kaki gw lemes – tangan gw gemeteran , jantung gw juga berdetak kencang — masih inget bgd gw betapa ngerasa begonya karna gak doing something … bener2 itu pertama kalinya gw ngalamin pelecehan dan justru bukan d negara gw sendiri.. Kalau sekarang kejadian lagi udah pasti gw teriakin n seret ke polisi tu orang 😡😡


I really need to take care of my stress , to be grateful for what ever happened in my 28 years 2 months and 2 days existence 😇😇 ( even I don’t think right now i have the coolest position in my career (yet) but i can not let this feeling took over me (again!))

 فبايءالاءربكماتكذبان – be lighthearted and keep optimist – be ikhlas ,,,

this December is really an eye opener for me – I went to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia -which I never dream of visit and it turns out I feel I want to explore more and visit it again because those 2-days is really not enough. Even I did send my application for Uneca this morning 😇. I saw miss Escobar but I don’t understand why up to now I can’t even write her an appropriate email or pay her a visit in her office to be recognized 😦

I need to take charge of my life – in two years time I’ll be reaching my three zero decade. I have to put my efforts to get all my list done. ( including the promotion or a better job ; -read : normal working hour)

This December also teach me the need to be able to forgive myself and move past the mistake  – Carpe diem , Quam minimum credule postero – to never take anything or anyone for granted – people will always make you disappointed except God (never expect!)  ;;; But meanwhile – let’s not lose all enjoyment in work! Keep smiling because it makes people wonder what you’ve been up to!”

From now on I have to ;

  • Think less about the past failures.
  • Stop asking the question, ‘What if…..?’
  • Try to be less dependent on others for simple decisions.
  • Stop putting things off.
  • Make a daily list of things to do which will make I feel better !!!! 

“You must learn to let go. Release the stress. You were never in control anyway.”—Steve Maraboli

“Life is hard at times. But when I overcome more challenges, I become much stronger. So I’m going to embrace them”

Out of 76 things,this year i completed 18 of them .. 🙂

Mom and dad is coming next week to help me move out inshaAllah – I think I’m gonna try go offline of social media (no Facebook or path) This 15-day challenge tests my ability to entertain myself in the world ruled by technology (to avoid contacting someone,honestly,lol)

P.s: house shifting in Dubai is driving me nuts!